Troop C Election Announcement/Nomination Period

The current term for the NYSPIA Troop “C” Delegate position is set to expire in the coming months. Any member who is in good standing and who has been a member of NYSPIA for at least one consecutive year immediately preceding this announcement and who is assigned within the geographic area of Troop “C” is eligible to run for the Delegate position.

Any member who is interested in running must complete both the nomination petition and the affirmation form.

Starting today, the nomination period for this position begins and both forms will be available down below.

The nomination petition must contain the signatures of 10 members who are eligible to vote in the election.  Any member eligible to vote in the election may sign a nomination petition for only one (1) candidate.  The nominated member must also confirm on the nomination petition and affirmation that he or she will agree to serve the required term of the office if elected.

The closing date of the nomination period is Monday March 3, 2025.  The completed nomination petition and affirmation forms must be postmarked by this date or hand delivered to the NYSPIA office no later than 4PM on the same date.

Any questions may be directed to the NYSPIA office at (518)436-0120 or by e-mail to

Affirmation Form- Troop C

Nomination Form- Troop C